Dangerous Drugs

Saturday 10:45 PM

Drugs are prohibited at Reading Festival – no drugs are safe and there is no such thing as a safe dose.

Below is a list of drugs that we know have caused deaths, overdoses, injury and hospitalisations – we believe you should be aware of these.

These drugs have caused serious health issues for users so far this year due to their very high strength, contaminants, the fact they are fake or their reaction with other substances.

Please be aware that these orange spooky ghosts are not MDMA and are 2CB. It is a synthetic cathinone known as Bath Salts or Monkey Dust and will cause a completely different reaction including aggressive behaviour.

This is not a complete list. This is simply a list of drugs that have been brought to our attention as particularly dangerous.

We don’t condone the use of drugs but if you choose to take them, we want you to remain as safe as possible.

If you need help or support at any time please visit the medical tent or welfare tent, both open 24 hours a day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
